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Lactose intolerance Melbourne  

Cow’s milk contains a type of sugar called lactose.  Normally our intestinal cells produce enough of the enzyme lactase to ensure the lactose in milk is both digested and absorbed in the small intestine efficiently. Lactase activity is highest immediately after birth, and beneficial for babies whose only food for the first few months of life is breast milk or infant formula. 


Lactase activity decreases considerably during childhood and adolescence, and the symptoms of lactose intolerance increase with age.  Most adults, except for Caucasians, are lactase deficient. It is estimated that only about 30% of the adult world population produce enough lactase to digest lactose. 


Lactase deficiency can also develop after prolonged diarrhoea, and damage to the intestinal villi resulting from diseases, gastroenteritis, infections, medicines and malnutrition.  Temporary or permanent lactose intolerance can result from these conditions, depending on the severity of the intestinal damage.   In extremely rare cases, an infant is born with a lactase deficiency. 


When more lactose is consumed than the available lactase can handle, lactose molecules remain in the intestine undigested, attracting water and causing bloating, abdominal discomfort and diarrhoea, the main symptoms of lactose intolerance. The undigested lactose becomes food for the intestinal bacteria, which multiply and produce irritating acid and gas, further contributing to the discomfort and diarrhoea.


Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance

  • Abdominal cramps
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Bloating
  • Diarrhoea
  • Flatulence
  • Floating stools
  • Foul-smelling stools


Lactose intolerance Melbourne 

Lactose intolerance can also cause over growth of bacteria in both the small and large intestines.  This over growth of bacteria can cause inactivation of the digestive enzymes, deconjugation of bile salts, leaky gut syndrome, and nitrosamine production.  This over growth of bacteria can also increase the body’s demand for Vitamin B12 and bioflavoinoids. Symptoms may worsen with large doses of milk products. 


Lactose intolerance Melbourne diagnosis

Lactose intolerance testing can be used to detect the presence of Lactose intolerance.  At Nature Cures, Melbourne Naturopath Kathryn Arnel can ascertain if breath testing is a viable option for you.  


Please phone Kathryn (03) 98884119 for more information about

Lactose Intolerance Melbourne.





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